We are excited to announce that in May 2021, GIT/H2 entered a partnership with Virtual Petrophysics (VPPS) to offer enhanced NMR petrophysics services to our respective clients. These services include the use of our NMR core plug measurements to calibrate and reprocess client NMR logs. Additionally, VPPS can provide basic and advanced interpretations services to ensure full value is obtained from the acquisition of NMR log data.
The VPPS team has over 25 years’ experience in NMR log pre-job acquisition design, processing, and interpretation of all service company wireline and LWD logging tools. This experience is in many of the world’s sedimentary basins and environments of deposition.
NMR Core to Log- integration brings a lot of value to reservoir characterization, while the integration with Borehole Image logs (FMI) is the next step in advanced reservoir characterisation for many clients. VPPS also offers full Borehole Image processing and interpretation for integration with NMR log and core data.
The company is registered in Singapore, with representation in Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, UK, and the UAE. www.virtualpps.com, info@virtualpps.com, +64 22 4180 980